Norwegian Humanist Youth

Norwegian Humanist Youth (Humanistisk Ungdom) is the association for humanists between the age of 13 and 25 in Norway.

Norwegian Humanist Youth is the youth organization of the Norwegian Humanist Association (Human- Etisk Forbund), and all the members of the Humanist Youth are also members of the Norwegian Humanist Association. 

Founded in 2007, the organization has around 1000 members and local branches spread around Norway. Norwegian Humanist Youth is a meeting place for young people who base their life stance on humanist values. The association will work to develop humanism and contribute to ensuring that young people may practice and discuss their humanist life stance.

The largest activity for Norwegian Humanist Youth each year is the summer camp in July - August. It gathers 120+ attendees each year. 

Norwegian Humanist Youth is the Youth Section of the Norwegian Humanist Association in the International Humanist Ethical Youth Organization.


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